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              發布時間:2022-07-23 來源:http://www.gw-machine.com 發布人:admin

              What is the working principle of the slicer?
              The working principle of the slicer is relatively simple. Using the sharp section of the slicer, cut the object and material into pieces according to the proportion or width of a point. Suitable for production or pharmaceutical or other purposes.
              根據切片器的不同,切片的方法也不同。例如,在實驗中處理細胞或組織,以便在顯微鏡下觀察實驗。(大衛亞設,Northern  Exposure(美國電視),)光學顯微鏡用旋轉和滑動切片機
              According to the different slicers, the slicing methods are also different. For example, cells or tissues are processed in an experiment in order to observe the experiment under a microscope. (David Asher, northern exposure (American television), rotating and sliding microtome for optical microscope
              The paper industry also needs slicers, knife plate slicers, drum slicers, spiral slicers, etc. The cutter head slicer is composed of a blade, a shell, a supply groove, a transmission device, etc. the heavy knife is used as a flywheel to work in a stable slicing manner.
              The other is to cut polymer strips into particles. This requires a special slicer composed of a deflector, a feeding roller, a pressure roller and a rotating blade. The working principle is that the blade is used to drive in the stepless transmission, the paper feed roller is driven by the blade through a series of conversion gears, and the blade is equipped with multiple blades according to the cutting size. Changing the self changing gear can change the cutting length and stepless transmission, thus changing the speed of the belt.
              What are the main features of the slicer?
              L compact independent control panel is designed to effectively control all important tasks.
              The built-in control panel of L body is completely synchronized with the independent control panel. The total thickness and total number of slices, slice thickness, slice thickness and important operation status can be seen on the LCD screen.

              L two sample vertical stop bits (upper and lower)
              L  5切片模式:單、連續、步進、半刀、編程
              L 5 slice mode: single, continuous, step, half knife, programming
              L the slice speed will be automatically adjusted according to the slice thickness.
              The slicer can turn off the l-slice function. In the automatic state, the parameters in the block will be adjusted automatically, while in the manual state, the parameters in the block can be determined by programming.
              L slice thickness and patch thickness can be selected and saved independently.
              L visual signal and sound signal give the limit of forward and backward and the remaining forward distance when lifting.
              Cold light, magnifying glass or stereoscope (optional), low-temperature liquid nitrogen freezing system (optional) can make semi-thin slices of special samples.
              What are the precautions of the slicer?
              1. You can use the "keyboard lock button" on the control panel to lock the keyboard
              2. When turning off the machine, open the glass window and wait until the machine is completely dry before turning on the machine
              3. It is strictly forbidden to turn off the box compressor at will. Otherwise, it will seriously affect your work
              The above is a detailed introduction to the slicer. I hope it can help you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide services for you with a professional attitude http://www.gw-machine.com/



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